FIRST - This was a good story that was seen well. Some nice moments. The first caption was well-written and gave us a good base for viewing the story.
SECOND - Nice story find. Good variety of moments and angles. The quotes helped fill out the story too. The first caption should inform us that they’re homeless. Finding that out in the second frame buries the lede.
THIRD - The photos were strong but the story line was weak. Creative angles and a nice variety of shots helped hold it, however. A few repetitive images should be knocked out for a tighter edit.
Cristina Fletes/St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Robert Cohen/St. Louis Post-Dispatch, David Carson/St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Judges Comments
FIRST - This was a good story that was seen well. Some nice moments. The first caption was well-written and gave us a good base for viewing the story. SECOND - Nice story find. Good variety of moments and angles. The quotes helped fill out the story too. The first caption should inform us that they’re homeless. Finding that out in the second frame buries the lede. THIRD - The photos were strong but the story line was weak. Creative angles and a nice variety of shots helped hold it, however. A few repetitive images should be knocked out for a tighter edit.