2nd Place
Erin Hooley, Brooke Herbert, Robin Daughtridge, Andrew Johnston, Ryan SmithChicago Tribune
Judges: Mandi Wright/Detroit Free Press, Nancy Andrews/Independent Photographer, Annie O’Neill/Annie O’Neill Photography
Judges: Mandi Wright/Detroit Free Press, Nancy Andrews/Independent Photographer, Annie O’Neill/Annie O’Neill Photography
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Judges Comments
First place - Best combination of layout design and photography. Judges really loved the elk tenders looking out at the herd. Great scene setter. Second Place - Life, Outside—Great story telling moments. It was obvious that the photographer spent a ton of time on this story. It paid off, judges wanted to see more photos from this story. (glad it was entered digitally) Great editing!!!! Great teamwork overall on this story. Third Place - Great selection and layout of images. An incredibly strong opening image that sets the tone for this package.