1st Place
Jesse Burkett-Hall WTIC, Hartford "Clinton, Connecticut"
Judges Comments
LG- WOAI/KABB Clinton, Connecticut 9 10 10 9 Consistency in your angles and nats pops is stellar. Audio mix was solid and the best thing is the interviews were short and creatively shot.
DD - WOAI/KABB Clinton, Connecticut 8 7 8 8 Great interviews, especially barber shop (mirrors, dept of field etc) and coffee shop (lots of shoot and move great cutaways) not sure t shirt shop was as well done. Begining and ending suffered from very slow pace (dissolves were almost painfully slow) especially with quicker pace and natural wipes in middle of piece. Story is about the town and PEOPLE and begining and end are shot at beach with no mention of water or a reason or connection. Overall great "book" (story) but didn't like the front or back cover.
KC- WOAI/KABB Clinton, Connecticut 9 10 10 9 Great way to tell a policital story. Excellent transitions with audio nats underneath. Great interview framing.Great variety of shots. The characters were great also with their moments. This story was well built. It took the viewer for journey. The only suggestion I can make is the audio track of the reporter at slight times sounded hallow and much louder than the interview audio, but over all your audio mixed was solid. I might just be nit picking there. Great Work!!
RG WOAI/KABB Clinton, Connecticut 9 9 10 10 Clever intro into political piece. Excellent use of nat sound throughout. Great use of space in interviewing. Clever, creatively framed interviews. Multiple points of view and multiple locations. Meticulous editing.
2nd Place
Paul Giorgio WKMG, Orlando "The Father and Son Project"
Judges Comments
LG- WOAI/KABB The Father and Son Project 9 9 7 8 Nice work bringing the dad into the recording studio with pictures and video. Nats pops are well placed and transitions done right.
DD - WOAI/KABB The Father and Son Project 9 9 8 9 Incredible audio, great visuals and moving story. Loved the photos being shot on amps/guitars etc like that some of the video of his dad was done similarly wish it would've all been or almost all done that really made you feel like "he was in the studio with them" great commintment telling the story all the way through performance and months later etc performance video maybe slowed down the editing pace a little but great piece overall didn't feel long and told a visually compelling and moving story. Opening exterior/establishing shot could be cut to help get right into the music, I know we always shoot it but not needed in such a visually rich story
KC- WOAI/KABB The Father and Son Project 8 9 9 9 Very nice story. Well shot and editing. You did a great job with mixing the music into the story as well. Nice touch with printing out the photographs and placing them in guitar scenes. Good variety of interviews with the same subject. It shows you spent time with them. Good transitions and building a surprise. Great work
RG WOAI/KABB The Father and Son Project 9 10 9 10 A story like this should have impeccable audio, and it does, and beyond. Your Passion shines through in telling this story. Your commitment is exemplary and evident appearing that you spent a week in this studio shooting every corner, mic, cord, amp, instrument and person. Excellent exploration of a space. Nat sots, nats pops, nats sound were surgically precise. Heart felt good story told to the highest standard visually and audibly
3rd Place
Paul Giorgio WKMG, Orlando "Parking Meter Kid"
Judges Comments
LG- WOAI/KABB Parking Meter Kid 7 8 8 9 Nice open nats intro to coins. Nats to downtown was sweet with the train horn. Your ability to shoot and move is inspiring. Your editing is tight and well-polished and I enjoyed your audio mixing too.
DD - WOAI/KABB Parking Meter Kid 8 9 7 9 Solid piece through and through! Great storytelling especially setting it up with dishes/chores to create a simple "twist" great nats and consistsncy of visuals with coins double interview with mom partially behind car was creative and a great risk but was a bit distracted by her being partially covered but not all the way or fully in frame. Great character development and loved the interaction with the guy who tried to reimburse shows commitment to telling the story. Not sure if part of a series but maybe wanted some context of how many tickets are given out or how large the actual fine is for some more "newsiness" but great stories are news in my book so maybe it's not needed.
KC- WOAI/KABB Parking Meter Kid 8 9 8 9 Great opening and great closing shot! Very nice framing on the various interviews. Excellent nats and sequencing. Also excellent catching the moment between the guy trying to pay him back. The camera stays in position, it shows great patience. Nice work!!
RG WOAI/KABB Parking Meter Kid 8 9 7 9 "Solid introduction to main character. Great use of nat sound, nat sots and variation of interview framing. Nice job of keeping back and just waited for those ""moments"" to present themselves. Crisp tight edits, good use of cutaways and extreme tight shots.
Honorable Mention
Jesse Burkett-Hall WTIC, Hartford "I Like to Go"
Judges Comments
DD-WOAI/KABB I Like To Go 8 9 9 9 At first thought the dry ice and photos were a little cheesy but when used throughout is a great solution for telling the story without being there. Very creative and great storytelling inside the Whole Foods nice balance between what you have video off and where the "story" is great example of what local news can and should do
LG- WOAI/KABB I Like To Go 8 8 9 9 What a great way to tell a story without being there. Nice work with ice and pictures and TV backdrop. Your nats were well placed. As an Everest climber having her walking or shots of her feet moving back and forth would have be a nice touch.
KC- WOAI/KABB I Like To Go 8 8 9 9 Very excellent way to tell this story. You make her a relateable person first. Great sequencing adn nat breaks. I realy like the ice with the pictures and TV. Very inventive idea. Great work!
RG WOAI/KABB I Like To Go 9 8 10 9 Excellent character. Beautiful way to introduce and reveal who she is, this unassuming woman, and what she has done. Accomplish a once in a lifetime feat 7 times. Creative use of pictures and dry ice. Great use of the nats you had. Would have liked titles to match up with what she was saying, not just a whole paragraph of what was coming. Great shooting, great editing, great story.
Judges Comments
Judges Comments for all entries are available here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CM8p4qjv92xOxG9hgU0yMOxb3t2AWD6B2DORnSupDRo/pubhtml?gid=1765603427&single=true