1st Place
Jed Gamber WBFF
Judges Comments
8 8 8 8 Great story! Loved the picture treatment, the interviews were great, the storytelling was strong too! Very nice job.
8 8 8 9 I liked the natural sound and feel you gave of the station, from the slow boring sitting around, to the fast pace rush of the call at the end. Good job with the photos in the locker, and the moms interview shot.
9 9 9 9 Wow! Great Story! Excellent job weaving the NAT breaks all throughout voice tracking. Really liked the creativity of the pictures. Excellent job with the interview shot framing. That moment and sequence to close out the story was excellent and very well executed. Great work!
2nd Place
Jed Gamber WBFF
Judges Comments
8 9 8 8 Great Story. Wonderful interviews, NATS, and change of shots. The story showed how this opportunity is a relief for the kids. Nice job with the parallel parking, but was a little forced during Earl's first sound.
8 7 7 8 Very impactful story. Great job. Nice job with the parallel parked SOTS. Good sequencing leading up to the hockey arena and then getting us into the arena. Very well-framed interview shots. Very clean and well edited. Nice work! A critique for your reporter....tell him to have a little more energy in his voice track.
9 9 8 9 Great great great. Perfect little journey. Thanks for sharing it!
3rd Place
Dan Reilly WXIA
Judges Comments
8 9 9 8 Great work, love the shots of her eyes just peaking over the music stand. Interviews were solid, nice sequenceing and establishing a sence of place.
7 8 8 8 Good work on your collection of sound and keeping it smooth. I liked your shooting, especilally the tight shot for her consentration, and bow on the cords.
7 7 7 7 Good shot variety. I really liked that super tight shot of the bow slowly moving along the strings near the end of the story. Nice job blending all the music audio. The flow of the story was really well paced. Good work
Honorable Mention
Christopher Wood News 12
Judges Comments
7 8 7 8 Really cute story. Great job having mics on them while they were in the kitchen. The audio was very clear. Nice job parallel parking a lot of those nats around the track. You had some good shot variety but probably could have used a few more really tight shots to help your sequencing at the beginning. Nice work!
7 7 7 8 Great flow and sequencing between shots. Nice job parallel parking your sound, and using just right amount of nats. the lighting looked good on the little girl, but with the parents try to remove them from the couch in front of the white wall.
7 7 7 8 Good movement through the story, great job caputring the family in a natural way.
Judges: KOMO