1st Place
Joseph Huerta KING-TV
Judges Comments
JW WITI A LIFETIME OF MEMORIES 10 10 10 10 Great job with this story. Really good characters and sound. I liked the stand up(sit down) in the car. It was hard to tell what was going on outside the widow, but it still wokred really nicely. Great job.
AF WITI A LIFETIME OF MEMORIES 10 10 10 10 great use of nats in your story. up and down with the emotion! your charachters were exactly what you needed. the stand up was spot on. im up in there air about the shot you used when you decided to leave. i cant tell if i love it or hate it. overall very nice job.
AK-WITI A LIFETIME OF MEMORIES 10 10 10 10 Fantastic! You had everything. Great characters. Creative interview shots. Let the nats help pace and tell the story. Liked how you left the camera rolling as you took it off the tripod and left it in the story Great... Stand up really gave an added urgency to the story. Well Done.
2nd Place
Dan Renzetti KING-TV
Judges Comments
JW WITI GUSSIE CHARLES AND THE RATS OF SOUTH LAKE UNION 10 9 10 10 Great Story and characters. I really liked that you left in the camera getting knocked. Great sound, and reveals. Could have used to see the rats a little more if you had it, but overall great job!
AF WITI GUSSIE CHARLES AND THE RATS OF SOUTH LAKE UNION 10 9 10 10 my only wish was to see more rats!!! loved the setup. the squeking of the bench was great. really liked of the camera moved becasue of the rats. great job overall.
AK-WITI GUSSIE CHARLES AND THE RATS OF SOUTH LAKE UNION 10 10 10 10 Nice. Great nats all over. Solid characters. The reveal was nice. Don't think you missed a thing.
3rd Place
Andy Buck KUSA-TV
Judges Comments
JW WITI END OF WATCH 10 9 9 9 Great Story! Really liked the set up and hearing from his family. That part slowed the story down a little, would have liked something inbetween to move it along a little. Overall great job!
AF WITI END OF WATCH 10 9 9 10 AMAZING STORY! i think you had all the elements that you needed. i loved hearing from the family. i like how the story came full circle with the opening and closing shots. the pacing could have been a little better
AK-WITI END OF WATCH 9 9 9 9 Nice job. Well put together nat pack. Great get with the boy scout to set it up. You got all the elements even staying far away from the stage. Guessing you had to stay put. But if not, would have been nice to get some different angles of the stuff from the stage.
Honorable Mention
Jon Martin KING-TV
Judges Comments
AK-WITI THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD 9 9 9 9 Very well done! Solid character. Great nats, shooting and sequencing. Good job on making a "meeting" story into something everyone could relate to.
AF-WITI THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD 9 9 10 10 AWESOME story. way to turn what could have been a boring meeting story into an awesome informative one. great nats and variety of angles. great character and how local he had a drone.
JW WITI THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD 9 10 10 9 Nice job taking a meeting story and making it into something more. Right before the meeting video the pace of the cuts felt a little rushed, but not bad. Great job.
Judges: WITI