1st Place
Paul Gesler WBFF "It's really uplifting"
Judges Comments
JK-KMGH ITS REALLY UPLIFTING Awesome open - and use of sound. You should be really proud of being able to turn this piece on a deadline. Interviews were framed well and the story had a solid news peg. Overall, nice job! We really enjoyed watching this piece.
PL - KMGH ITS REALLY UPLIFTING Nice! Spray paint tranisition was awesome. Great stuff. Its a winner to me. Spectacular feat to accomplish in deadline. Great work getting all the sound.
AM - KMGH ITS REALLY UPLIFTING Very nice job weaving sound. Didn't over write it. Let the people tell the story. Very refreshing, and very well done.
2nd Place
Heather Hintze KTVA "At home in the kitchen"
Judges Comments
JK-KMGH AT HOME IN THE KITCHEN Great cut away shots with different angles, kept it interesting. I also liked the intrigue you built at the beginning of the story with him talking about how he never wants to eat turkey again. Solid pacing and good use of video.
PL - KMGH AT HOME IN THE KITCHEN I was hesitant with the repitition writing at first but you drove the Turkey home. Nice job there. Good story and nice tight shots. I would have liked to see him interact with the people eating but that might have been tough with the time you were given. Try to mix up your wide shots more. Though used very nicely, They looked the same. Great use of the walk and talk in the fridge.
AM-KMGH AT HOME IN THE KITCHEN Would have loved to hear some nice clean nats of the chopping. Maybe write a line about the rhythm of cooking for a crowd.... He had a great laugh, would have liked a little more of it used. keep an eye on your audio transitions. you brought the nats down a little late a couple times.
3rd Place
Sean Moody WKYT - Lexington KY "Hundreds honor murdered 6 year old"
Judges Comments
JK-KMGH HUNDREDS HONOR MURDERED SIX-YEAR-OLD 9 9 9 10 Wow, what an incredibly emotional story. You did a good job of letting the moment breath, but I still had some questions about how the 6-year-old died. You had a solid beginning, middle and end. I also liked the way you opened and closed the piece with your writing - but thought the beginning could have been a little stronger - the stadium lights off the top didn't really pull me in. Overall, nice job though!
PL - KMGH HUNDREDS HONOR MURDERED SIX-YEAR-OLD 9 9 9 10 Hold that wide shot!!! Let me process the amount of people there... no need to rush back to the (mother?), Ive seen her already. Slow piece, was presented nicely. Continue to use the cuts and shots you use to progress the story visually and subtley to hold attention.
AM- KMGH HUNDREDS HONOR MURDERED SIX-YEAR-OLD 9 9 9 10 It was never very clear how the child died. That needed a some clarity. The shooting was very nice but a little repedative. As I heard why she sang him silent night I kept thinking it would have been nice to start with them singing and say something like A song that used to comfort 6 year old logan, now comforts his mother....
Honorable Mention
Jonathon Gregg WITI - Milwaukee, WI "Breaking Down, Building Up"
Judges Comments
PL - KMGH Breaking Down, Building Up 8 8 9 10 Nice open! great cuts to start and nats throughout. Personally, I thought the gopro was over used. I believe the gopro should be used as a compliment to what you're shooting. If the go pro is on something that someone is carrying... shoot that person carrying it and sequece those cuts. I only saw it being used as a way to cover long tracks
AM - KMGH Breaking Down, Building Up 8 8 8 10 Some of the better shooting in this catagory. I felt like you got some really nice shot with the gopro and it turned into a showcase of cool gopro shots and oh yeah there are couple things to point out. The gopro shots were really fun but I didn't get what you were talking about from them.
JK-KMGH Breaking Down, Building Up 8 9 8 10 Nice use of multiple cameras. You opened with a wide - but I would have liked to have seen a few more to give a better perspective on the size of the house they were tearing down. I also felt like your writing got lost in the photographer because you had so many different shots and never wrote to video
Judges: KMGH